
“Magpie Day” by Joe Pascoe, read by Eve Pascoe; video by Sal Cooper and Jonathan Toaishara. Artwork by Sam Golding.

Latest book from Joe Pascoe: Sharp Pencil, featuring paintings by Sam Golding. To be launched at 7pm on Friday 28th October 2022 at the Malvern Artists’ Society

“[this] collection of poems … enable us to better understand what holds and collapses in the fields of remembering and forgetting. Poems grasp at completeness as they recognise how frail memorial narratives are. […] Poetry humanises people and it turns language inside out, opening up the world to new impressions, sensations, revelations. [… in] Sharp Pencil […] we find everyday life beautifully caressed and assessed, with objects, people and memories rising up in all their oblique majesty.” excerpts from Sean Redmond’s Foreword.

Sharp Pencil is available for order here, or will be available at the launch for a discounted price. 

 New Book:  Afrizal Malna, Morning Slanting to the Right, trans. Jorgen Doyle, Hannah Ekin and Andy Fuller, Richmond: Reading Sideways Press, August 2021.Morning Slanting to the Right - small cover Our adventure into Afrizal’s works continue. This volume is a collection of Afrizal’s short stories written over a period of some 30 years.  The stories explore the textures, memories and materialities of urban spaces and the ways in which they are encountered. The stories are translated by artists and writers, Jorgen Doyle and Hannah Ekin and Andy Fuller, co-founder of RSP.  The cover and layout is our first with our new team member, Amarawati Ayuningtyas.


Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 8.20.41 pmAfrizal Malna, Prometheus Pinball, Reading Sideways Press, September 2020. In this book, Afrizal Malna (b.1957), writes his memoirs through the materiality and violence of everyday life in Jakarta, between the late 1950s to the end of the century. The stories are narrated in a style between prose and poetry. His writing shows how the text and the city and the body are all mutually constitutive; each making the other. Through drawing on a wide range of memories and archival imagery, this book explores practices of archiving, technology and writing. This is a rich and detailed account of Jakartan urban life through the lens of one of Indonesia’s sharpest, most innovative and most insightful authors.

Available for order here.